
I studied for two years in Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh (KBY) in Israel and received my rabbinical ordination from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS), the flagship institutions for Modern Orthodox rabbinical education. I served in several rabbinic capacities including, rabbinical intern at the Young Israel of Plainview and head gabbai at SHENK Shul in Manhattan.

I have also delivered lectures and classes on a range of Jewish topics in different cities across the country, such as Manhattan, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Highland Park. I enjoy engaging with diverse audiences while sharing my insights and perspectives on Judaism. 

In the blog section of this page, you can find a selection of the sermons I have delivered, as well as articles I have written on Jewish ethics, history, philosophy, law, and spirituality. I hope you enjoy reading them and feel free to leave your comments and feedback.

Blog Articles

Ki Tisa: Power of Individual vs. Power of Masses
Thesis: Judaism focuses on the power of the individual instead of the power of the masses Question: Why is it so dangerous to count the Jews? Answer: By counting Jews we symbolize that we only have power in numbers, when in truth we have power in the individual.   If you’ve watched Sesame Street, then you know the Count – he is the purple character dressed as “Count”...
Terumah: Keruvim As Friends With Opposing Views
Thesis: we need to be friends with people who have apposing opinions to fully understand the Torah. Question: Why would Hashem want Keruvim on the Aron? Answer: The Keruvim show us that we need to embrace our inner child since to be friends with those who have opposing opinions, since that is how we understand all the nuances of life and the Torah. Every year, more than...
Beshalach: Uncertainty in the Desert
Thesis: The Ma’an was Hashem’s way showing the Jews that it is ok to live with uncertainty. Question: Why does the Torah stress the fact that the Jews complained about the Ma’an in the desert? Answer: The Jews had plenty of food, but they were scared of the uncertainty of the desert and the lack of food around them. There is a theory in Physics called the Heisenberg principle....
Shemos: Recognizing the Less Fortunate
Thesis: Moshe’s defining characteristic was overcoming his natural inclination and recognizing people much less fortunate than himself. Question: Why was Moshe rewarded for noticing the bush – anyone would have stopped to look? Answer: Moshe was rewarded for being someone who generally stops and notices things. Not just at the bush, but also in Egypt. One morning in January...
Vayishlach 2022: Ya'akov's Name - How to Overcome Internal Struggles
Parshas Vayishlach: Ya’akov’s name – How to Overcome Internal Struggles Thesis: Overcoming internal struggles can feel painful, it is still a source of personal blessing. Question: Why did the angel ask Ya’akov for his name. Answer: He was asking Ya’akov if he was the same person who is afraid of confrontation, or has overcome his personal weakness.             ...
Vayera: Serving in the Present
Thesis: serving God is about what you are doing now, not the end goal Question: why does Hashem use lech lecha for the first and last test Answer: to show that serving him is not about where you are from or where you are going, but what you are doing now.   Parshiyot are like fortune cookies! They are amazing while we are enjoying the cookie and reading the fortune, but...
Noach: Standing For What You Believe
Thesis: We all need to take the risk and stand up for those around us that need it. Question: Why do Chazal find an obscure word by the generation of Noach as the place to hint to Moshe Rabeinu? Answer: Moshe and Noach had the same dilemma, except that Moshe stood up for those around him while Noach did not. Chazal parallel the two stories to show the consequences of not...
Yom Kippur Pre-Ne’ilah: Hashem Knocking on the Door (Rav Amital)
Let’s be frank. We’ve been here many, many times – myself included. The Rabbi gets up right before ne’ila and talks about how the gates are about to close. Well, there’s good news. This year they aren’t closing – they are about to open. The classic paradigm for ne’ila is that the gates of heaven about to shutter and we need to slip our last few prayers through the crack...
Yom Kippur - Iceland
Thesis: Yom Kippur is for us to reconnect with our inner soul and see the bigger picture of what we need to do. Question: It seems much more of a sad day than a happy day. How can Yom Kippur be described as a Yom Tov when we are forced to have “inuyim”? Answer: Yom Kippur is a Super-Shabbos that requires a break from our body to focus on our soul. The innuyim are there...
Erev Yom Kippur - Davening Together
 It was the coldest winter ever and many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together to keep warm. They huddled up close together and shared their body heat. This way they covered and protected themselves. The problem was that every now and then one of the porcupines would sneeze or get an itch. When they moved,...
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